Lego Wall Art Contest for Kids
This contest for children up to age 17 is being held in conjunction with Andre Veloux's artist residency and solo exhibit at Princeton Public Library (NJ) for the fall of 2017.
Please read the rules below and upload a photo of your creation for consideration.
* All entries must be done on a single 10x10 (32x32 stud) standard Lego plate
>> see here for example: (any color base plate is fine) They are also available at Jazams in Princeton,
* Entrants must fill out this form with all information and upload a photo of their completed Lego wall art project for
consideration by the judging panel
* More than one submission to the contest is permitted, but each piece must be uploaded separately using the form
* Entries must be able to hang on a wall. The library will provide the hardware for hanging.
* Visit the library exhibit or take the workshop at PPL on 10.29 for inspiration
* All works submitted will be displayed in an online photo album with credits to the artist
* This contest is open to New Jersey residents living within a 15 mile radius of Princeton, NJ. Others may submit Lego
Wall Art photos for inclusion in the online album, but will not be eligible for prize selection.
*Deadline for entries: 9 pm on Wednesday November 22nd, 2017
* Contest to be judged by Andre Veloux and staff of the Princeton Public Library and Arts Council of Princeton
*Winners to be announced on Thursday November 30th, 2017
Age Categories:
8 and under
Three prizes award per age category:
1st place: $25 gift card to JaZam's Toy Store in Princeton PLUS your entry hung at the library for 3 weeks in December 2017 as part of Andre Veloux's exhibit
2nd place: Copy of newly released book "LEGO Absolutely Everything You Need to Know" PLUS your entry hung at the library for 3 weeks in December 2017 as part of Andre Veloux's exhibit
3rd place: Your entry hung at the library for 3 weeks in December 2017 as part of Andre Veloux's exhibit
All winners in all categories will also be invited to join artist Andre Veloux for a private ice cream meet and greet at a date to be announced in early December.
Questions about this contest should be directed to Janie Hermann at Princeton Public Library
[email protected]
To submit your entry please fill out this form:
Lego Wall Contest Entry Form
The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form
Please read the rules below and upload a photo of your creation for consideration.
* All entries must be done on a single 10x10 (32x32 stud) standard Lego plate
>> see here for example: (any color base plate is fine) They are also available at Jazams in Princeton,
* Entrants must fill out this form with all information and upload a photo of their completed Lego wall art project for
consideration by the judging panel
* More than one submission to the contest is permitted, but each piece must be uploaded separately using the form
* Entries must be able to hang on a wall. The library will provide the hardware for hanging.
* Visit the library exhibit or take the workshop at PPL on 10.29 for inspiration
* All works submitted will be displayed in an online photo album with credits to the artist
* This contest is open to New Jersey residents living within a 15 mile radius of Princeton, NJ. Others may submit Lego
Wall Art photos for inclusion in the online album, but will not be eligible for prize selection.
*Deadline for entries: 9 pm on Wednesday November 22nd, 2017
* Contest to be judged by Andre Veloux and staff of the Princeton Public Library and Arts Council of Princeton
*Winners to be announced on Thursday November 30th, 2017
Age Categories:
8 and under
Three prizes award per age category:
1st place: $25 gift card to JaZam's Toy Store in Princeton PLUS your entry hung at the library for 3 weeks in December 2017 as part of Andre Veloux's exhibit
2nd place: Copy of newly released book "LEGO Absolutely Everything You Need to Know" PLUS your entry hung at the library for 3 weeks in December 2017 as part of Andre Veloux's exhibit
3rd place: Your entry hung at the library for 3 weeks in December 2017 as part of Andre Veloux's exhibit
All winners in all categories will also be invited to join artist Andre Veloux for a private ice cream meet and greet at a date to be announced in early December.
Questions about this contest should be directed to Janie Hermann at Princeton Public Library
[email protected]
To submit your entry please fill out this form:
Lego Wall Contest Entry Form
The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form